Eureka Manta Manual
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B.8 Accessories
Eureka provides a number of accessories for the Manta, including carrying cases, anti-fouling kits, SDI-12
converters, data displays, telemetry systems, cable reels, etc. Please see the Eureka Web page
www.WaterProbes.com) for more details.
B.9 Flow Cell
If it is more convenient to bring the water to the Manta than the Manta
to the water, for instance when monitoring a ground-water well, you
can simply screw a Flow Cell onto the Manta as you would normally
screw on a sensor guard.
B.10 Routine Maintenance
Clean your instrument periodically with warm soapy water. Liquid
dishwashing soap is fine. Do not use abrasives. Do not use acetone. Do
not clean with gasoline, kerosene, or industrial cleaners. Mild
household cleaners work well. Clean sensor stems with a soft brush.
Rinse well with tap water, and store sensors with tap water in the
storage cup.
Replace any o-rings with visible cracks. Keep o-rings greased with silicon
grease (found in your Maintenance Kit). Always remove batteries and clean your Manta prior to storing it
for prolonged periods.
Be sure to limit the pressure in your sample lines to 15 psi
so that you don’t damage the flow cell.