2114575-06-02/21 (translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-PN.-… (PROFINET) and With Data Structure Type A
14. Setup
14.1. Integrating into PROFINET and PROFIsafe
The parameters
Update time
have a decisive effect on the reaction time of the safety
function. The safety function could be lost if the reaction times are too long.
You will require the corresponding GSD file in GSDML format in order to integrate the MGB system:
You will find the GSD file in the Download area at www.euchner.com.
Prior to setup, the GSD file must be imported into the configuration software for the control system
(see control system manual).
You must perform the following steps to integrate the MGB system into PROFINET:
1. Configure the MGB system with the configuration software of the control system and assign parameters.
The following PROFINET parameters must be set:
Device name (factory setting from GSD file): [euchnermgb].
IP address: optionally fixed or dynamic
Update time:
Recommendation [32 ms]
Maximum value [128 ms]
(with number of repeat cycles = 3)
The following PROFIsafe parameters must be set:
F_dest_adr (PROFIsafe address): this is generally assigned automatically by the control system.
F_WD_Time (time during which the control system expects a response from the PROFIsafe device): [xxx ms]. Factory
setting from GSD file: [600 ms].
2. Set the PROFIsafe address (F_dest_adr) on the MGB system using the DIP switches (see
Important: Identical addresses must be set in the control system and on the device.
3. Save the configuration and transfer it to the MGB system.
14.2. Replacement of an MGB system without programming device
If servicing is required, the MGB system is easy to replace with a new one. For this purpose, the following prerequisites
must be met:
The DIP switch settings (PROFIsafe address) on the new device must match those on the old device.
Your Profinet master must support the automatic replacement of Profinet devices.
Your Profinet topology must be correctly configured.
The replacement device must be connected to the same port as its predecessor.
There must be no device name in the MGB system.
This field is empty in the delivery state. Systems that already contain a name must first be reset to the factory settings.
Once these conditions are met, simply replace the old system with the new system.
The Profinet bus does not need to be switched off for this purpose.
14.3. Resetting system to factory settings
You will find detailed instructions in the manual for the configuration software for your control system.