Five (5) Setup memories are saved in the computer and can be cycled through with the arrow keys. The com-
puter will hold its last memory after a power cycle. When one of the setup parameters changes, Save/Reset
buttons will pop up on the Memory title box. These will save new parameters into the memory slot, or reset
parameters to what is currently saved in memory.
The four (4) memory slots other than Factory can be renamed by holding the memory name for 1 second. A
keyboard will pop up displaying the current memory name. Edit this how you wish, and press the green ACCEPT
button to save the name.
The Factory memory slot cannot be saved over, given a new name, nor reset with the Reset Defaults button.
Figure 16 - Memory Window and Keyboard
All calibrations can be accessed by touching the Machine Calibrations button.
Each Asphalt Distributor has up to six (6) calibrations, as shown in Figure 18 (Page 22).
Figure 17 - Machine Calibrations button