Engaging Pump on PTO Equipped
Before getting into the cab, check to make sure that
the front/rear pump control switch on the rear control
panel is in the forward position.
Start the truck engine with the transmission in neu-
tral and engage the PTO. On trucks with a manual trans-
mission, depress the clutch and pull outward or upward
on the PTO control knob. Slowly let the clutch up, if
the PTO fails to engage, depress the clutch pedal and
pull up on the PTO handle until engagement occurs.
Or, depress the electric air shift PTO switch if your
vehicle is so equipped. Increase the engine rpm to a
fast idle.
On trucks with an automatic transmission, push down
on the foot brake pedal, move the gear selector to any
forward gear and pull upward or outward on the PTO
control knob. Or depress the electric air shift PTO switch
if your vehicle is so equipped. When the PTO engages,
move the gear selector to neutral.
If the PTO fails to engage, continue pulling on the
knob while releasing the brake pedal slightly, allowing
the truck to inch forward until the PTO engages and
then move the gear selector back to neutral.
Ensure that the truck parking brake is engaged be-
fore leaving the cab.
To prevent an explosion or fire hazard: Do not
heat the material beyond the manufacturer’s
recommended temperature.
To prevent possible damage to equipment from
material setting up in hose or distributor,
ensure that bitumen in supply tank is heated
To prevent possible burns: Use extreme
caution when using a torch to heat the pump.
Asphalt accumulated around the pump may
ignite when heating the pump with a torch.
If the distributor is to be filled with hot bitumen,
proceed very cautiously. If there is any moisture in the
tank, or if an emulsion product was the last load, foam-
ing or eruption may occur.
Dow-Corning DC-200 may be used to prevent foam-
ing in Distributors, Transports, and Maintenance Units.
Mix the contents of one can (16 oz.) with one (1)
gallon of diesel fuel or kerosene. Add one (1) oz. of
this diluted mixture to each 1000 gallons of asphalt.
The correct amount may be poured through the man-
hole. This will assist in reducing foaming, particularly
if moisture is present or if an emulsified asphalt was
used in a previous load.
If foaming does not occur at the start of the filling
operation, but you suspect that there may be moisture
in the spray bar or circulating system, the filling opera-
tion should be stopped when the tank is no more than
25% full. The product should then be circulated through
the spray bar at a rate of 80 to 100 GPM before con-
tinuing the filling operation.
If foaming does occur, continue circulating until the
foaming stops, and then suck back the product in the
spray bar back into the tank before filling the tank the
rest of the way.
Asphalt Institute
To further increase awareness of the hazards associ-
ated with the operation of a bituminous distributor, and
before beginning initial operation, the operator should
also receive instruction by an authorized Etnyre dealer,
or Etnyre representative.
The Centennial Distributor is designed to handle a
number of different products, such as AC’s, cutbacks
& emulsions.
Knowledge of these liquid asphalts is required for
safe operation of the distributor. It is critical to know
which product can be loaded after the previous prod-
uct, and which products react with each other.
The Asphalt Institute is a source of asphalt handling
safety information.
Asphalt Institute
Research Park Drive
PO Box 140052
Lexington, KY 40512-4052