Always refer to the truck chassis owner’s manual
for chassis and engine maintenance information.
The following procedures apply to new or rebuilt
1. Inspect the unit for damage that may have occurred
during transporting.
2. Check and tighten all fasteners, body tie-down
bolts, pipe and circulating line connections, etc. that
may have loosened in transit.
3. Check the fluid level in the hydraulic reservoir.
The fluid must always be visible in the sight glass.
To prevent becoming entangled in machinery
remain clear of rotating drives.
Set up of the Computer
There are 10 screens which have to be set to match
the options of the particular Centennial Distributor that
the computer control is installed in. There are two dif-
ferent computers used. You can tell which type of com-
puter is in the Centennial by observing the first screen
when the computer is first turned on. If the first screen
is the operating screen it is an S2X computer. If the
first screen displays the Etnyre software version before
switching to the operating screen it is a BTS computer.
The set up screens are slightly different for the two com-
To enter the set up screens hold the reset gallons
button down while turning on the master power switch.
After turning on the master power switch, release the
reset gallons button. The first screen is the circulation
rate screen, however the S2X computer only, will by-
pass this and go to the second screen. To see this screen
you have to toggle through all of the other screens. To
step through the screens, push the reset gallons button.
To change the set up, follow the instructions that ap-
pear on the screen; push the application rate switch up
or down, as instructed. When done, save the settings as
instructed on the screen.
First screen:
Circulate Rate Adj
XXX Gal/Min
This screen shows the current setting of the circula-
tion rate in GPM or LPM depending on whether the
display is set to English or Metric units.
Preparing for Operation
Second screen:
Flow Cal Factor
The factory setting should be 1000 (100%). The
pump calibration can be changed by 0.1% increments
by using the application rate switch. Increasing the flow
factor increases the reading for a given flow-not the
flow. Decreasing the flow factor decreases the reading
for the given flow. Use the application rate switch to
change. Only make a change is you are absolutely sure
that the calibration is incorrect.
Third screen:
Speed Cal Factor
This screen shows a ground speed radar calibration
factor. The factory setting should be 100. The ground
speed calibration can be changed in 1% increments. By
changing this factor. Increasing the speed factor will
increase the reading for a given speed and decreasing
the speed factor will decrease the reading for a given
speed. Use the application rate switch to change.
Fourth screen:
English Units
Decrease to Change
This screen allows you to change the display units
to Metric or English. Push the application rate switch
down to change to Metric units and if it is set to Metric
units, push the application rate switch up to change to
English units.
Fifth screen:
Series 42 Pump
Increase to Change
This screen sets the type of hydrostatic pump that
the machine has. Push the application rate switch up to
change to the 90 Series and push the application rate
switch down to select the 42 Series. On a BTS com-
puter, this screen is not here
Sixth screen:
1 ft controls
Decrease to Change
This screen selects between 1 foot controls or gang
bar controls. Push the application rate switch down to
change to gang bar. If the control is set to gang bar
control push the application rate switch up to change
to 1 ft controls.