Irideon WLZ User Manual
Use the Barn Door Accessory
Snap the barn door accessory onto the front of the fixture body as shown
below. Do not remove the media holder from the front of the fixture
before installing the accessory—the barn doors snap directly on the front
of the fixture with the media holder in place.
Rotate the accessory and adjust the doors as needed.
When removing the barn door accessory, firmly
hold the fixture body in order to avoid unnecessary stress on
the DataTrack adaptor, C-clamp, or canopy.
Use the Integrated Media Holder
The Irideon WLZ comes equipped with an integrated media holder, which
is a metal frame used to hold color media (often referred to as gel) or
diffusion in front of the lens. The media holder is equipped with a
magnetic retaining clip that prevents the media from falling out. The
integrated media holder can take color media, diffusion, or dichroic glass
with a 69 mm (2-11/16 in) diameter.
Check that the accessory holder is locked before
mounting the fixture.
Vérifiez que le porte-accessoires est
verrouillé avant de monter le projecteur.