Station Miscellaneous
Install Button Legends
Inspire stations ship with standard button legends installed beneath a clear lens. An
additional sheet of standard button legends are provided for field installation as needed.
Each button can have a legend, installed beneath the button lens. To remove, install, or
replace a button legend you must first remove the bezel and button lens from the station
Step 5: Replace the bezel to the station electronics when all legends and lenses are in place.
Customize and print your own button legends on standard transparency.
Download the button legend template provided on the ETC website
Step 1: Remove the bezel from the station electronics.
Each corner of the bezel is provided with a notch to
assist with bezel removal. Use your thumbnail to lift
a corner free, then gently remove the bezel from the
Step 2: Remove the button lens.
Using the pads of your thumbs, press on the lens and
slide the lens either left or right, toward the button
hinge points.
Step 3: Once the lens is removed, remove the existing legend and
replace it with another standard legend, as provided with
this station, or insert a custom legend.
Step 4: Replace the lens onto the button by aligning the grooves
of the lens to the button, then sliding the lens in place
starting at the hinge. Slide the lens until it covers the entire
button and clicks into place.