ETC Installation Guide
ColorSource PAR v1.7/v3.0
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© 2021 Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
Trademark and patent info:
Product information and specifications
subject to change. ETC intends this document to be provided in its entirety.
7 4 1 2 M 2 1 0 0 -1 .7 Rev E Released 2021-11
The ColorSource PAR is an affordable LED fixture that uses the RGB-L (red,
green, blue, and lime) color system to provide a rich, bright light.
The ColorSource PAR is available in both original and Deep Blue variants. The
Deep Blue uses an array that offers richer, more saturated blues and stronger
magentas in exchange for the more jewel-toned blues like sky or turquoise.
For more information, see the ETC website at
The ColorSource PAR is UL924 listed as a Directly Controlled Luminaire for
use in emergency lighting systems when used with the ETC DMX Emergency
Bypass Controller (DEBC).
Features described in this document require the latest version
of software. For information on updating fixture software, see