Common Tasks
Setting Data Loss Behavior
You can designate the rack’s reaction to a loss of data from any of the three data ports (DMX A,
DMX B, or sACN). For each of the ports you can select one of the following behaviors:
• Crossfade: On loss of data, the look will transition to a specified internal preset (DMX only).
• Wait & Fade: On loss of data, the rack will wait for a specified amount of time and then fade to
black over another specified time.
• Hold Last Look: On loss of data, no transition occurs. The levels will stay at the last known look
until data is restored to the port. Resetting the processor will release the levels.
• Hold Last Source: On loss of data, if other sources are available the rack will switch to them.
Otherwise, the levels will switch to whichever source was most recently lost.
To set the data loss behavior for any port:
Navigate to [Setup]>Rack>Data Loss Behavior. The Data Loss Behavior screen displays.
Use the scroll wheel to highlight the desired port behavior (DMX A, DMX B, or sACN) and press
[Enter]. The behavior will be highlighted.
Use the scroll wheel to select the desired behavior (see above) and press [Enter].
a: Select Fade Time (if applicable) and set the desired time (range is 0–360 seconds).
b: Select Wait Time (if applicable) and set the desired time (range is 0–360 seconds).
c: Select Preset Space (Crossfade only) and select the space that contains the desired crossfade
d: Select Preset Number (Crossfade only) and select the desired preset (1–64) for the crossfade.
Repeat for the remaining data ports if desired.
Setting Up CEM3 on the Network
Network setup allows editing of the CEM3 network properties to establish the rack’s IP address. Three
options for setting network characteristics are available: Link Local, DHCP, and Custom. The default is
You can access this menu by navigating to [Setup]>Network>[Enter]. After the desired method is set,
a confirmation window will open asking you to confirm or cancel the changes.
Link Local
Choose Link Local if you work in a touring system where equipment changes frequently.
Link Local automatically assigns a randomly generated IP address within a given range.
Choose DHCP if your system includes a DHCP server (for example, an Eos console).
This setting will attempt to acquire an IP address from a DHCP server. If the request fails, CEM3 will
acquire its address through Link Local (see above) for this boot cycle only. If rebooted, the rack will
attempt a DHCP request again.
With this method you can set the IP address (IP), Subnet (SN), and Gateway (GW) using the keypad. The
ETC convention for IP addressing is (“x” varies by ETC product line, “y” is an incremental
value for products of the same type).