Digital Output Channels ("DO" Connection)
User Guide
Output Amplifier
Each output channel is equipped with a TTL driver. The output driver and, there
fore, the output signal of the channel can be released or blocked with the
"Enable DO n" signal. With blocked output driver and after switching on the
module, the channel is in the "Tristate" state.
Overvoltage Protection
Each output channel is equipped with an overvoltage protection and protected
against overvoltages up to ±50
Min Pulse
With combined use of the ES930.1 with the ES910 prototyping module, direct
access from within the rapid prototyping experiment to the ES930.1 module is
possible. The rapid prototyping model can control each ES930.1 signal of
access each signal. In the rapid prototyping model, signals may have been
defined which the counter unit may be able to generate with this "external" con
trol, but which are to short for further assemblies of the ES930.1 module or
which cannot be processed error-free. For this reason, the output signal of the
counter unit is monitored with the Min Pulse assembly and, if necessary, lim
ited to a minimum pulse width.
The minimum pulse width is firmly defined and cannot be underrun indepen
dent of the signals of the counter unit. The Min Pulse assembly limits the pulse
width of the output signal wither to 150
ns or, if the output signal of the counter
unit controls a Half-bridge (power stage), to 2.5
s. The limiting is required to
maintain the dynamic control conditions of the Half-bridge (power stage).
Min Pulse Adaptation Detection
The Min Pulse Adaptation Detection assembly signals the diagnostic unit of the
module or the application program that a predefined model value has exceeded
the limits of the pulse width described above and the output value of the digital
channel was limited to the minimum permissible pulse width by the ES930.1.
Power Stage Control
The output signal of the channel can be released or blocked in the Power Stage
Control assembly in order to control a Half-bridge as "Control PS n" signal. The
output signal of each channel is firmly assigned to a Half-bridge (power stage).
This assignment cannot be changed:
If the control of a Half-bridge is released in the Power Stage Control assembly,
the Min Pulse assembly limits the output signal to 2.5
Digital output channel
Assigned Half-bridge (power stage)
DO 1
PS 1
DO 2
PS 2
DO 3
PS 3
DO 4
PS 4
DO 5
PS 5
DO 6
PS 6