Elite Security Products
Redditch B98 8YN
Preparation For Use
Ensure that the smart phone is connected to the same Wi-Fi
network that you would like to attach the device.
Ensure that you have a mobile device running iOS 8 or higher
or Android 4.1x or higher and a 2.4GHzWi-Fi connection.
• Smart Doorbell
• 2 x Lithium 18650 Batteries
• Mounting Pack
• Micro USB Cable
• Micro SD Card
• RF Chime
Our products are designed to comply with the
recommended codes of practice for lighting and to be
installed and serviced by competent persons in
accordance with the relevant regulations.
Download the Cli App on your
mobile device from the App Store or
Google Play.
Sign in or Register following the
instructions on the Cli App.
Smart Doorbell
Products bearing this mark
are compatible with the Cli APP
• Open up the rear cover to insert batteries & Micro SD Card
• Mount the mounting backplate onto the wall, using the 4 holes to mount to the desired surface.
• Push the Doorbell down onto the backplate, and secure with fixing screw.
Ring Tone
Cover for
batteries, and
micro SD
Call button
Rubber cover contains:
Micro-USB for charging,
Charging LED,
& Reset button
Indoor Chime unit
• The chime unit comes pre-paired with the video doorbell.
If it doesnt sound when it should refer to the below:
• Press the “ring” button, to choose your desired ringtone.
The indoor chime offers 36 different ringtones.
each press changes the current ringtone.
• Press the “volume” button button for 5 seconds, till the music changes.
• Press the doorbell button to match the indoor chime. You can now
press the call button of the doorbell and listen for the chime.
• To change the ringtone, please refer to the above pairing instructions.
• To change the volume, press the “volume” button once, to trigger it.
There are 4 different volume levels to choose, from Low to High.