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New Product Information 



Stereo Tube Power Amplifier 

/ Integrated Amplifier 











ESOTERIC is proud to introduce a stereo tube power 
amplifier incorporating exceptionally high quality and “cutting 
edge,” tube technology.   
The A-100 provides 45W / ch output power from KT-88’s in 
UL-Push / Pull operation driven with a direct coupled 
cathode follower. The cathode follower and voltage 
amplification stage is directly coupled to form a triple stage 
by combining a unique and active bias circuit. 
The A-100 is truly an innovation leading conventional tube 
technologies to the “Next level!” 



Directly-coupled triple stages 

The DC voltage control circuit ensures stable operation 
of the directly-coupled triple stages (voltage 
amplification stage, cathode follower stage, and output 
stage), achieving a truly involving acoustic expression 
from the A-100. 





Unique active bias circuit


The A-100 features a unique and advanced active bias 
circuit. This circuit compensates the bias voltage 
supplied to the output stage, detecting the cathode 
current and the driving level. High linearity and superior 
performance of the output stage is achieved by optimal 
bias voltage control from this new design. 




Custom output transformer


The A-100 features a newly 
designed custom output 
transformer achieving highly 
delicate and precise musicality. 
The amplifier uses specially 
treated dual layer foil (copper 
and silver), as the 2



coil. This design provides very 
tight coupling properties 
between the 1


 order coil.







Cutting Edge Tube Technology from ESOTERIC 
