Eskimo Fatfish Series Assembly And Use Instructions Download Page 1

FatFish sERiEs


sEt-UP iNstRUCtiONs:

1.  Remove ice shelter from backpack carrying bag.   Remove the tie 

strap from around the shelter.

2.  Lay the ice shelter flat on the ground and be completely sure there 

is no material twisted or overlapping the ends of any poles.  sEE 

FigURE 1. DO NOt force shelter when folding or unfolding. 

Watch for entanglement of poles.

NOTE: In windy conditions and before 

pulling outward on the roof or walls 

to pop open the shelter, securely 

anchor at all corners with provided 

ice anchors.  This will prevent shelter 

from blowing away when setting up 

in windy conditions.
3. Grasp the webbing loop sewn onto 

the eyelet located in the center of 

the roof and pull outward until the 

roof section pops open. For FF9416, 

do the same for the other roof sec-

tion. Both roof sections should now 

be popped open. sEE FigURE 2.

4. Grasp the webbing loop sewn onto 

the eyelet located in the center of 

one of the walls and pull outward so 

the wall pops open. sEE FigURE 3.

  NOTE: Place your foot on the ground 

skirt to help hold the shelter in place 

when popping open the walls.

5. Proceed by walking around entire 

shelter and pulling on each wall 

webbing loop to pop out each wall 

until all sides are popped out. sEE 

FigURE 4.

  NOTE: There are four (4) wall sec-

tions on FF767, FF949 and FF949i 

and six (6) wall sections on the 


6. Your shelter should be standing up 

completely. You may now proceed by 

anchoring the shelter to the ice using 

the provided ice anchors and rope.   sEE 

FigURE 5.  FF767, FF949 and FF949i 

- Screw four (4) anchors through the 

grommets located in each corner 

completely.  On the windiest side of the 

shelter, screw in the remaining anchors 

several feet away from the hubs.  Use 

the provided ropes and tie one end to 

the hub eyelet on each wall, and the 

other end to one of the anchors previ-

ously screwed in. Use adjustment slides 

on rope to achieve proper tension. 

FF9416 - Screw six (6) anchors through 

the grommets located in each corner 

and on the long sides of the shelter 

completely.  On the windiest side of the 

shelter, screw in the remaining anchors 

several feet away from the hubs.  Use 

the provided ropes and tie one end to 

the hub eyelet on each wall, and the 

other end to one of the anchors previ-

ously screwed in. Use adjustment slides 

on rope to achieve proper tension.



FatFish 767™ (FF767)

FatFish 949™  (FF949)

FatFish 949i™  (FF949i)

FatFish 9416™ (FF9416) 









WaRNiNg: kEEP aLL FLaME aND hEat sOURCEs aWaY 

FROM this tENt FaBRiC. this tENt is MaDE With 

FaBRiC that MEEts CPai-84 sPECiFiCatiONs FOR 

FLaME REsistaNCE. it is NOt FiRE PROOF. thE FaBRiC 



Get parts online at


Rev. 06/10/11

© 2011 ardisam, inc.

all Rights Reserved

tous Droits Réservés

takE-DOWN iNstRUCtiONs:

1.  Remove all ropes and ice anchors and store them in the provided 


  NOTE: Zip all doors shut.  Do not leave them open.  Close all 

windows and vents.  In windy conditions, remove ice anchors 

after collapsing the roof and walls inward.

2.  Using your hand, push the center hub in on roof and walls un-

til they collapse inward.  Shelter will fall to the ice on its own.   

sEE FigUREs 6 & 7.

3.  the shelter will be back in its flat 

stage just as it was when it was 

unfolded out of the backpack bag. 

Gather all corners of the shelter and 

fold together. sEE FigURE 8. Do 

not force the shelter when folding. 

Watch for entanglement of poles.

4.  take provided tie strap and wrap 

around folded shelter to allow for 

easier insertion into backpack.  

Place folded shelter back into the 

backpack carrying case with the 

hubs always towards the bottom end of bag.  Place the pouch 

with the ice anchors and rope into backpack as well.

saFEtY aND MaiNtENaNCE iNstRUCtiONs:

Due to traffic on lakes, ice fishing can be hazardous at night. if you 

choose to fish at night or in conditions with poor visibility, be sure 

to take precautions.
Never leave the ice shelter unattended.
take down shelter when not in use to avoid unnecessary damage.
Use extra tie-downs during excessive winds.

LONg tERM stORagE:

Make sure your Eskimo ice shelter is completely dry before storing 

for long periods of time.  Store shelter in a cool, dry place away from 


FigURE 8


ardisam, inc., a manufacturing company, warrants this Eskimo ice Shelter to be 

free from defects in the material or workmanship for a period of one year from 

the date of purchase.  During the one-year warranty of this product, ardisam 

will, at their discretion, furnish parts and/or labor to correct any defect caused by 

faulty material or workmanship. the warranty does not cover cracked windows, 

tent tears, or bent poles due to high wind conditions or unattended use. 

Warranty work must be sent directly to ardisam, inc. or to an authorized service 

center. to obtain warranty service you must have prior approval by calling 

our customer service department at 1-800-345-6007.  ardisam, inc. will at 

no charge, repair or replace, at their discretion, any defective part which falls 

under the conditions stated above. ardisam retains the right to change models, 

specifications and price without notice. this product if used as intended, will 

give you years of trouble free service. We hope you will enjoy the quality of our 

products for years to come. For replacement parts, phone 1-800-345-6007 or 

go online to 

This warranty applies to the original owner with a proof of purchase and is not 

transferable. It supersedes all other warranties either expressed or implied and all 

other obligations to liabilities on our part.  Ardisam, Inc. does not assume, and does 

not authorize any other person to assume for us, any liability in connection with the 

sale of our products. The warranty applies only to products which have not been 

subjected to negligent use, misuse, alteration, accident or repairs made by anyone not 

certified by Ardisam, Inc. This guarantee is void unless the warranty card is properly 

filled out and received by Ardisam, Inc., within 30 days of purchase.

Eskimo, a Division of ardisam, inc.

1160 Eighth avenue; P.O. Box 666

Cumberland, Wisconsin 54829

800-345-6007 · Fax (715) 822-4180

E-mail:  [email protected]

FigURE 1


FigURE 2

FigURE 3




FigURE 4

FigURE 5


FigURE 6

FigURE 7



