3. System Requirements
Windows XP, 2000 and ME,Windows XP operating system recommended
Intel Pentium III CPU or equivalent AMD or compatible CPU
motherboard with Intel or VIA chipset or compatible
one available USB port
UDMA66/100 7200rpm hard disk drive
more than 256MB of RAM
note that the system requirements depend more on your choice of audio software
Mac OS X v10.2 or later only
Macintosh with G3 or better processor (except the original PowerBook G3)
one available USB port
more than 256MB of RAM
note that the system requirem
ents depend more on your choice of audio software
* Caution
1. We don’t recommend using many USB devices with the M8U via USB hub at the same
time. It may cause Input data lose sometimes.
2. Some old mainboard that using OHCI (open host controller interface) may cause problem.
3. Check our web site http://www.esi-pro.com occasionally for the most recent update
information or technical issues.