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0455-0209 Rev C
Button Programming Web Interface
Note: A phone button can be programmed through the phone’s web interface or the Auto Provisioning Application. This
document uses screen shots of both interfaces.
Accessing the Phone Portal
To access button programming first connect to the ESI ePhone3 or ePhone4x phone. By default, the phones will
DHCP to obtain an IP Address when powered up.
To find the IP Address
1. Press MENU on the phone
2. The Status option should already be highlighted. If so press ENTER or the OK button. If not, scroll to the
Status option.
3. The IP address is displayed on row 2.
To login to the phone portal
1. In your browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) enter the IP address in the URL field.
2. Enter your credentials. The default credentials are “admin” for both the login name and password.
3. You will be connected to the System Information screen for the phone.
4. Click on Feature Keys in the left panel and then choose the Feature Keys tab at the top of the page.
Note: This document assumes your phone has already been provisioned and is connected to the eSIP Evolution. Look
for other documentation on how to provision a phone.
Phone Button Layout
Before you begin programming be sure you understand the button layout.
The upper left key on page one is considered the first button – KEY 1-1. The “1-1” indication stands for key 1 on page
1.The remaining keys on the page are numbered numerically from top to bottom then left to right. The same method is
used on each page. For example on page two the first key is considered KEY 2-1, which is key 1 on page 2.
ePhone4x has nine buttons on each of four pages for a total of 36 programmable DSS keys.
ePhone3 has seven buttons on each of four pages for a total of 28 programmable DSS keys.