Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved
1545-ASB 150 02 Uen
Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible
In addition there is a traffic group matrix that states the authorisation for different connection cases. The
traffic group matrix can be used to verify connection paths, e.g. A may call B but B may not call A.
Check on resources
Free and utilised resources are specified in the RASC-menu Maintenance-system-resources. Here are
stated the number of free PCM-channels, number of free references on VMU, etc. Only the number of
free PCM-channels and free references on the VMU-board are of interest. Other information is used
only during system testing in conjunction with new development. With the help of the stated information
it is possible to determine whether the PBX possesses sufficient capacity.
Fault checks / correction of intermittent faults
Intermittent faults constitute a considerable problem as it is difficult to verify whether remedial measures
eliminated the fault. It is essential therefore to make great efforts to identify in which circumstances the
fault occurs. If one is fully or partly successful then one has acquired a possibility of verifying whether
the fault really has been eliminated by attempting to repeat the circumstances which gave rise to the
fault. If this is not possible the PBX should be checked at suitable time intervals. This is often a matter of
judgement and varies from case to case.
The following part of the fault checking relates to the Cordless system with a table describing the class,
most probable reason and service class number.
Column 1 - Fault numbers in sequence
Column 2 - Service class:
Class 1 Faults in this class mean that communication with a board or peripheral is lost. In most cases
there is a physical reason. Check on proper connection. Execute a Replace Board by the System
manager-Control menu and check that the fault disappears. If not successful, proceed to class 3.
Class 2 Faults in this class can be minor faults that can be cleared by a board reset. Execute a Replace
Board by the System manager-Control menu and check that the fault disappears. If not successful,
proceed to class 3.
Class 3 Faults in this class are in most cases fatal errors that require board replacement. It is convenient
to ensure that the fault is a hard fault by executing a Replace Board and checking if the fault disappears.
If not successful, execute the Replace Board command from the System manager-Control menu and
replace the board by a spare board. The new board is automatically tested and taken into service. If the
fault persists, call your local supplier for service.
Column 3 - Fault threshold This column indicates the number of times a fault may occur intermittently. This
means that after detection of the fault, the fault does not reappear when tested, see paragraph 2.2. If this
intermittent occurrence exceeds its threshold number within 24 hours, a status code S (service) will be written
in the Fault Table, a fault report is written in the Service Table and the General Alarm is activated. The counter
values are halved every 24 hours. Threshold value 99 is equivalent to infinite.
Column 4 - Fault description This column gives a brief description of the fault that has occurred.