Erica Black Series include high-end,
unique functionality and superior quality
modules. Only the best, highest quality
components are used, all inputs and
outputs are protected against undesired
overvoltage. Erica Black series consist of
range of modules that are needed to put
together entire synth. Enjoy!
Erica Black VC Clock
is a beating
heart of your modular system. The
module generates several clock signals
simultaneously and has advanced
features (tap tempo, shuffle, divide) both
for controlled, rhythmic music production
and for experiments with high level of
uncertainty. You may find interesting
adjustable and even random duty circle
of shuffling and random clock outputs.
Bonus feature – the module can be used
as a performance time stopwatch.
Manually and CV adjustable BPM
Clock division and multiplication
External clock input
3 digit BPM indicator
Manually and CV controllable shuffle
Manual and programmable sequencer
reset output
Sequencer reset output
Adjustable duty circle of shuffling and
random clock
Performance time stopwatch
Max input level ..........................-10V - +10V
Clock signal level ............................. 0 - +5V
Clock rate .............................. 30 – 400BPM
CV input level (full sweep) .......... -5V - +5V
Power consumption ..............40mA@+12V,
Module width ....................................... 10HP
Module depth ....................................25mm
7 segment LED indicators show BPM
of Clock Out
Use Tap tempo button to set BPM.
Push and hold TAP button and rotate
SHFL/RND potentiometer to set clock
output probability on RND OUT
Pushing RST button sends high pulse
on RST output. Use it to reset your
This is sequencer reset output. Each
time the RST button is pushed, high
signal appears here to reset the
You can Start and Stop the clock on
the output buy pressing this button.
Stopping the clock will not send
RST signal. Push and hold this knob
to activate the Performance Time
Stopwatch. See it’s functionality
description below!
Small dot next to the last digit gives
visual indication of clock rate
Adjust shuffle level from 0 CCW to
extreme 90% CW
This is shuffle CV input
Random clock generates random
clock pulses, relative frequency of
which is set by BPM. You also can
adjust output pulse duty circle
Here’s shuffling clock output. Use
it for more human feel of rhythm.
Shuffling clock can be multiplied by
rate set by the encoder. You also can
adjust output pulse duty circle
Use encoder to set BPM manually!
Click the encoder to access the
configuration menu. Refer to the
table below for configuration settings.
Rotate the encoder to select desired
setting. Push the encoder to confirm
it, and return to the main menu. when
all settings are completed push RST
button to exit CONFIG menu OR
module will exit it automatically in 3”
Click and hold the encoder and save
your default device setting!
You also may want to alter an
external clock. When external clock is
applied, LED indicators show external
clock rate
Clock rate is CV controlled – apply
any CV here to alter clock rate! LED
indicators will show BPM set by
encoder and will not follow clock
This is output of the regular clock.
BPM is indicated on LED indicators
Here you get divided or multiplied
Select clock division or multiplication rate for DIV OUT. Available values are /2, /3, /4, /8, x2, x4, x8
Select clock multiplication rate for SHFL OUT. Available values are x2, x4, x8
Select clock division or multiplication rate for RND OUT. Available values are /2, /3, /4, /8, x2, x4, x8
Configure RESET feature. The module send reset signal to the sequencer, and it can be sent manually (push RST button any time you wish
to reset the sequencer) or it can send reset signals after certain amount of clock pulses. Available settings are MAN (manual only reset), 16,
32, 48, 64
Adjust clock duty circle for SHFL OUT output pulse. Available settings are from 10 – 90% and random. Default setting is 50%
Adjust clock duty circle for RND OUT output pulse. Available settings are from 10 – 90% and random. Default setting is 50%
Activate or deactivate Performance Time Stopwatch. Performance Time Stopwatch (PTS) allows you to monitor timing of your modular
performances. If PTS is activated, after 5 seconds BPM indicator will change to timer screen that indicates minutes (two digits) passed
from the moment START/STOP button is pushed and module starts to output a clock signal. Pushing START/STOP button will pause the
stopwatch, pushing RST button will reset it.