QXFXO4/QXISDN4/QXE1T1/QXFXS24; (SW Version 6.0.x)
QXFXO4/QXISDN4/QXE1T1/QXFXS24 Manual II: Administrator’s Guide
Extensions Management
Extensions Management
page is used to create a variety of extensions and auto attendants on the QX Gateway. From this page, by clicking on the
user extension, the Administrator can go to the extension settings pages.
When this page is accessed for the first time after the QX Gateway’s
initial boot-up or the default configuration settings restore, an
intermediate page is displayed.
Change Extension Length
page is used to define the extension
settings applicable to all extensions on the QX Gateway. This page
disappears once being saved.
Change Extension Length
page consists of a radio-button
Fig.II- 17: Extensions Management - Add Entry page
Leave Current Length
radio-button selection is used to leave the current length of extensions on the QX. Per default the extensions length on the
QX Gateway is 2. In front of this selection, the actual configured length of extensions is displayed.
Change Length
radio-button selection is used to change the actual length of extensions on the QX. This selection enables the following
information to be defined:
Extension Length
drop-down list requires you to choose the length of the extensions on the QX. This number will apply to all existing
extensions on the QX as well as to any newly created extensions. The length of the extension can be 3 or 4.
Extension Prefix
text field is used to define a prefix with which all existing extensions on the QX as well as to any newly created
extensions should start. The prefix cannot start with the digits 0 or 9, otherwise an error message appears.
Please Note:
By saving the settings on the
Change Extension Length
page, all existing extensions will lose the custom voice messages. The device will be
rebooted. You will not be automatically redirected to the login page, so you need to access it manually again when reboot ends. After the reboot, the
Change Extension Length
page will disappear and the
Extensions Management
page will be displayed. The
Change Extension Length
page will not
appear again unless the default configuration settings are restored on the device.
Two types of user extensions,
, can be created on the QX Gateway. Active extensions are those that are attached to a line, can place and
receive calls and use available telephony services. Inactive extensions are those that are not attached to the line. They can use some available telephony
services but they cannot place and receive calls.
Attendant extensions (available only for QXFXO4, QXISDN4 and QXE1T1 gateways) are dedicated to the IVR system on the QX Gateway. These extensions
are used by callers to reach QX’s users and use the remote access and call relay services. It is possible to create Auto Attendants with the custom scenarios.
By default, QXFXO4, QXISDN4 and QXE1T1 Gateways have one Auto Attendant extension (00) which is undeletable.
The system is limited to 100 extensions! Once the number of extensions in the Extensions table reaches 100, there will be no more possibility
to add new extensions.
table is a list of all extensions and their parameters.
Fig.II- 18: Extensions Management page