S5U1C17001C ManUal
(C COMPilEr PaCkagE fOr S1C17 faMily) (Ver. 1.5.0)
4 SOUrCE filES
4 Source Files
This chapter explains the rules and grammar involved with the creation of source files.
4.1 file format and file name
Use the
editor or a general-purpose editor to create source files.
File format
Save data in a standard text file.
File name
C source file
Assembly source file
Specify the
with not more than 32 alphanumeric characters shown as follows:
a–z, A–Z, 0–9 and _
This rule applies to file names for all the S1C17 tools.
Directory name
Only alphanumeric characters can be used for directory names just as for file names. Do not use spaces or other
symbols. Up to 64 characters can be used for a path name including directory and file names.
Global variables/static variables
Up to 200 characters can be used to name global and static variables.
A total of 32,000 global and static variables can be accepted.
File size
The following shows the guide about the upper limit of the C source file size:
In the case of a source file that contains only variables, constants and arrays, up to 100,000 lines can be
In the case of a source file that contains only executable codes (not including arrays and variables), up to
20,000 lines can be accepted. However, the number of acceptable lines varies depending on the source
Consider these two conditions above as reference for sources in which variables, constants, arrays and
executable codes are mixed.
The number of lines shown above varies depending on compile environment conditions. Moreover, the
compiler may be forcibly terminated due to insufficient resources. In this case, build the program under a
resource-rich environment or divide the source file into multiple files before compiling. (Resources described
here depend on the OS used rather than the RAM capacity of the PC.)
Up to 512 characters can be used per line in C source files.
In the case of assembly source files, up to 30,000 lines can be accepted.
Tab setting
The recommended tab stop is every 4 characters. This is the default tab setting when the debugger displays
sources. Source display/mixed display with the
debugger of a source set at a tab interval other than of
4 characters may result in a displaced output of the source part. In this case, change the tab setting of the
debugger according to that of the source using the [Source Preference] dialog box that be selected from the
[Preference] menu (can be specified from 1 to 16 characters).
Make sure that each statement starts on a new line and that EOF is entered after line feed (so that EOF will
stand independent at the file end).
Summary of Contents for S5U1C17001C
Page 6: ......
Page 17: ...1 General S5U1C17001C Manual 1 General ...
Page 18: ......
Page 21: ...1 2 Install S5U1C17001C Manual 2 Installation ...
Page 22: ......
Page 29: ...3 SoftDev S5U1C17001C Manual 3 Software Development Procedures ...
Page 30: ......
Page 103: ...4 SrcFiles S5U1C17001C Manual 4 Source files ...
Page 104: ......
Page 121: ...5 IDE S5U1C17001C Manual 5 gnU17 iDE ...
Page 122: ......
Page 365: ...6 Compiler S5U1C17001C Manual 6 C Compiler ...
Page 366: ......
Page 385: ...7 Library S5U1C17001C Manual 7 library ...
Page 386: ......
Page 405: ...8 Assemblr S5U1C17001C Manual 8 assembler ...
Page 406: ......
Page 439: ...9 Linker S5U1C17001C Manual 9 linker ...
Page 440: ......
Page 449: ...10 Debugger S5U1C17001C Manual 10 Debugger ...
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Page 626: ...11 Tools S5U1C17001C Manual 11 Other Tools ...
Page 627: ......
Page 696: ...S1C17 Family C Compiler Package Quick Reference Reference ...