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S5U13781R00C10M User Manual
Issue Date: 2012/09/25
Revision 1.0
Seiko Epson Corporation
In addition to the Newhaven NHD-4.3-480272EF-ATXL#[-T], the following LCD modules from other
manufacturers are also supported by the 40-pin hardware pinout:
All Shore ASI-T-430FA6NT/H
AZ Displays ATM0430D5 (ATM0430D5-T for resistive touch screen option)
Logic Technologies LTTD480272043-L1
Tianma TM043NBH02
Demo firmware and drivers only support LCD timings for Newhaven NHD-4.3-480272EF-ATXL#[-T].
The other LCD modules may have different timings and might require different programming values for
the S1D13781 registers.
The 4 resistive touch analog signals are routed from the 40-pin FPC of the LCD module to the Stellaris
LM4F120 Launchpad analog input ports, but there is currently no demo firmware and driver provided for
the touch interface.