Using the PriorityFax
Sending a Document
Sending a document is a simple process. Instructions later in this
chapter tell you how to make it even more simple by using one-
touch and speed dial faxing.
There are two ways to send a document: automatic sending and
manual sending. Because you will probably use automatic sending
most of the time, all the instructions in this manual are for
automatic sending. In case you do need to use manual sending, the
instructions for it are on page 2-8.
Included with the PriorityFax is a test document for you to send to
Epson. It is ideal for your first exercise in sending a document.
First complete the information on the PriorityFax Test Sheet. Then
perform the following steps.
lnsert Document
Insert the Test Sheet face
with the top of the sheet facing the
fax machine as shown below.
The display changes from date/ time to the following:
F A X / C O P Y / R E A D