ESC Dec Hex Symbol Function
10 0A LF
12 0C FF
13 0D CR
14 0E SO
15 0F SI
18 12 DC2
- 20 14 DC4
- 27 1B ESC
ESC 45 2D -
ESC 48
ESC 50
ESC 51
Line feed. Empties the printer buffer, performs
a line feed at the current line spacing, and
resets the buffer character count to 0.
Form feed. Empties the printer buffer, then
advances the paper to the next top of form.
Carriage return. Prints the contents of the
buffer and resets the buffer character count
to 0.
Shift out. Turns Expanded mode ON for the
length of the line. Can be cancelled by
CHR$(20) or CHR$(27)“WO”. Works with Pica
or Compressed mode.
Shift in. Empties the buffer and turns
Compressed mode (17.16 cpi) ON. Cannot
work with Emphasized or Double-Strike
Device control 2. Turns Compressed mode
Device control 4. Turns the Expanded mode
set by CHR$(14) OFF Can also be cancelled
with LF
ESCape. Prepares the printer to receive
control codes.
Turns Underline mode ON. Format:
CHR$(27)” - “CHR$(n)
where n toggles Underline on and off: 0 turns
it OFF 1 turns it ON.
Sets line spacing to 1/8-inch (9-dot).
Returns line spacing to the default of 1/6-inch
Sets line spacing to n/144-inch and stays on
until changed. Format:
where n = 0 - 255.