Be sure to set the multimode parallel port to the correct mode for
the device you connected by changing the setting of the LPT
Mode option in the SETUP program, as described in
Appendix B. Check your parallel device documentation for the
parallel port mode you should select.
You may also need to change the setting of the LPT Port option
in SETUP if you need a different address and/or interrupt
assignment for the port.
If you use ECP (Extended Capabilities Port) mode, you may also
need to change jumpers JP23 and JP24 to the correct DMA
channel; check your parallel device documentation for the DMA
channel you should use. Then see “Changing the Jumper
Settings” in Chapter 3 for instructions on setting jumpers.
Using the serial ports
If you have a printer, modem, or other device with a serial
interface, you can connect it to one of the serial (RS-232C) ports.
Make sure you have a cable compatible with a DB-9P connector.
To connect a serial device, insert the connector into
either the serial 1 or serial 2 port. If you are connecting
only one serial device, use the serial 1 port.
Setting Up Your System 1-7