System Memory Map
M e m o r y a d d r e s s r a n g e
000000h to 09FFFFh
640KB base memory
0A0000h to 0BFFFFh
128KB video memory
0C0000h to 0C7FFFh
32KB video ROM BIOS
0C8000h to 0DFFFFh
32KB externaI adapter ROM BIOS
0E0000h to 0FFFFFh
128KB system ROM BIOS
100000h to FDFFFFh
E x t e n d e d m e m o r y
FE0000h to FFFFFFh
128KB of ROM remapped from 0ED000h to
System l/O Address Map
Hex address
020 - 03F
022 - 024
034, 038, 03C
040 - 05F
060 - 06F
070 - 07F
080 - 09F
0A0 - 0BF
0C0 - 0DF
0F8 -OFF
1 F - 1 F 8
200 - 207
278 - 27F
280 - 2DF
Assigned device
DMA controller 1,8237
Interrupt controller 1,8259
Chip set configuration registers
AD12 chip set configuration registers
Timer, 8254
Keyboard controller, 8042
NMI (non-maskable interrupt)
DMA page register, 74LS612
Interrupt controller 2,8259A
DMA controller 2,8237
Clearmath coprocessor
Reset math coprocessor
Math coprocessor
Hard disk
Game l/O
Parallel printer port 2
Alternate enhanced graphicsadapter
A-14 Specifications