Instruction Manual
PS 8000 DT Series
Date: 03-05-2016
10. Analogue interface
10.1 General
The integrated, non-isolated, 15 pole analogue interface (AI) is
located on the rear and offers following main features:
Remote control of output current and voltage
Remote control of output power (only models from 1 kW)
Remote monitoring of status (OT, OVP, CC, CV)
Remote monitoring of actual values
Remotely switching the output on/off
The analogue interface (short: AI) allows to remotely control
current, voltage and power (models from 1 kW) of the power
supply, but always in combination. It means, that it‘s not possible
to adjust voltage via the AI and the current with the rotary knob
on the front at the same time, or vice versa. Models below 1
kW output power don‘t require the power set value PSEL and
thus it must not be given.
The OVP threshold can not be adjusted via the AI, so it‘s re-
quired to set it manually on the device before using the remote
control. Switching to preset mode with the preset buttons shows
the translated set values, that are put into the set value pins of
the AI as voltages. In order to put in appropriate set values, the
user can either use an external voltage source or the reference
output voltage on pin 3.
The AI can be operated with the common 0...5 V or 0...10 V
ranges, each corresponding to 0...100% nominal values. The
desired control voltage range is selected in the device setup (see
section „8. Device setup“). The reference voltage at output pin
3 is related to the chosen setting and will be either 5 V or 10 V.
Following applies:
0-5 V
: Reference voltage = 5 V, 0...5 V set value voltage cor-
respond to 0...100% nominal value, 0...100% actual value cor-
respond to 0...5 V at the actual value outputs (CMON, VMON).
0-10 V
: Reference voltage = 10 V, 0...10 V set value voltage
correspond to 0...100% nominal value, 0...100% actual value
correspond to 0...10 V at the actual value outputs (CMON,
Putting in set values that exceed the limit, for example >5 V
while the 0...5 V range is selected, is intercepted by clipping
the corresponding set value to 100%.
Usage instructions:
Controlling the device with analogue voltages requires to
switch it to remote control with pin „REMOTE“ (5).
Before connecting the application that is used to control the
power supply, make sure to wire all leads correctly and check
if the application is unable to put in voltages higher than
specified (max. 12 V).
The input REM-SB (remote standby, pin 13) overrides the
Output On
. It means, the output can not be
switched on by the button if the pin defines the output state
as „off“ , except LOCAL mode is active. This mode locks all
interface from access to the device. Also see „6.2.7 Pushbut-
The grounds of the analogue interface are related to
minus output
Operating the device
9. Digital interface cards
The device supports following pluggable interface cards:
IF-R1 (RS232)
IF-E1 / IF-E1B (Ethernet/LAN + USB)
The cards require only a little or no setup after insertion. The
card specific settings are stored and kept, even if the card is
replaced by one of different type. Thereby it is not necessary
to configure the card settings every time a card is inserted.
Details about the technical specs of the interface cards and the
handling, as well as instructions to implement the device into a
bus system or to control the device by means of a PC (LabView
etc.) can be found in the user manual for the IF cards.
Insertion or removal only if the device is completely switched
off (power switch)!
About configuration of the interfaces see section
The digital interface cards allow to set voltage, current and
power, as well as the OVP threshold and undervoltage limit UVL
by means of a PC. When changing to remote control mode, the
device keeps the last set values until they‘re altered. Hence it
would be possible to control only voltage by sending arbitrary
set values and the current set value would remain unaltered.
Set values given by the digital interface (except GPIB) are al-
ways percentage and correspond at 100% (hex: 0x6400), resp.
at 110% (hex: 0x6E00) for the OVP threshold, to the nominal
values of the device. Using GPIB, any value is given as real
decimal value.
Furthermore, the digital interfaces allow to query and set a lot of
other features and values. For details refer to the user manual
of the interface cards.