AV.io SDI User Guide
Resolut ions, capt ure rat es and aspect rat ios
Resolut ions, capt ure rat es and aspect rat ios
The resolut ion (also known as f rame size or display mode) of a video signal, digit al image, TV screen,
comput er monit or or ot her display device is a count of t he number of pixels displayed horizont ally and
vert ically. For example t he resolut ion 1920×1080 (which is 1080p) creat es an image t hat is 1920 pixels wide
and 1080 pixels t all.
The aspect rat io of an image describes t he proport ional relat ionship bet ween it s pixel widt h and height . The
resolut ion 1920×1080 (1080p) is quit e a bit wider t han it is t all. The rat io of it s widt h t o height is 16 t o 9,
represent ed as an aspect rat io 16:9.
AV.io SDI out put s resolut ions in commonly support ed aspect s rat ios. The t able below is a color-coded legend
f or int erpret ing t he t able of product resolut ions below it :
Rat io
Com m on Use
St andard TV (NTSC/ PAL) display and non-widescreen comput er displays, SD-SDI
resolut ion
Widescreen (HD) TV displays (1080p, 1080i, 720p et c)
AV.io SDI generat es a list of t he f ollowing possible resolut ions f or your capt ure applicat ion t o select f or out put
Capt ured video cont ent is out put t o your applicat ionat 15, 30 or 60 frames per second (your applicat ion
chooses one of t hese f rame rat es) when capt ured over USB 3.0.