AV.io SDI User Guide
How AV.io SDI works
How AV.io SDI works
Once you’re ready t o st art capt uring, you’ll need eit her a built -in or t hird-part y applicat ion t o capt ure video
and audio cont ent wit h AV.io SDI.
The applicat ion communicat es wit h AV.io SDI and negot iat es a frame rat e (f requency at which f rames in a
video sequence are displayed) and frame resolut ion (size of a single video f rame in pixels). Higher f rame rat e
means smoot her video capt ure while resolut ion det ermines t he aspect rat io of t he video out put as well as it s
resolut ion and degree of def init ion.
Wit h t he help of AV.io SDI, t he cont ent f rom your video source is aut omat ically conf igured and capt ured on
your comput er t hrough your select ed applicat ion. If t he applicat ion request s a f rame size t hat is smaller or
larger t han your video source, AV.io SDI aut omat ically scales t he video f or you. For consist ent and widely
compat ible out put , audio is aut omat ically resampled t o 16-bit 48 kHz st ereo audio.
No conf igurat ion required!