3.1Safety Regulations for the Operation of Pallet Trucks
Driver authorisation:
The Pallet truck may only be used by suitably trained
personnel, who have demonstrated to the proprietor or his representative that they
can drive and handle loads and have been authorised to operate the truck by the
proprietor or his representative.
Driver’s rights, obligations and responsibilities:
The driver must be informed of
his duties and responsibilities and be instructed in the operation of the truck and
shall be familiar with the operator manual . The driver shall be afforded all due rights .
Safety shoes must be worn with pedestrian operated trucks.
Unauthorised Use of Truck:
The driver is responsible for the truck during the time it
is in use. He shall prevent unauthorised persons from driving or operating the truck.
It is forbidden to carry passengers or lift personnel.
Damage and Faults: The supervisor must be immediately informed of any damage or
faults to the Pallet truck. Trucks not safe for operation (e.g. wheel or brake problems)
must not be used until they have been rectified.
The driver must not carry out any repairs or alterations to the Pallet truck
without the necessary training and authorisation to do so. The driver must never
disable or adjust safety mechanisms or switches.
Hazardous area:
A hazardous area is defined as the area in which a person is at
risk due to truck movement, lifting operations, the load handler (e.g. forks or
attachments) or the load itself. This also includes areas which can be reached by
falling loads or lowering operating equipment.
Unauthorised persons must be kept away from the hazardous area.
Where there is anger to personnel, a warning must be sounded with sufficient notice.
If unauthorised personnel are still within the hazardous area the truck shall be brought
to a halt immediately.
Safety Devices and Warning Signs:
Safety devices, warning signs and warning
instructions shall be strictly observed.