OPEN/CLOSE impulse
The impulse will open the door and the door will stay open until a new impulse is given. If no impulse
is given the door will close after 15 minutes. This can be made infinite by changing group of para-
meters, see page 62.
OPEN/CLOSE impulse works only in program selection ON.
Power failure mode (backup batteries are installed) – optional
• In case of power failure, normal operation can be carried out with impulses from the KEY SWITCH.
• Two contacts are available for connection of 2 x 12 V batteries (NiMH)
• DIP-switch for monitoring of batteries is also available. Faulty battery will be indicated by the
LED on the CU-ESD. If selected the relay on EXU-SA can give a contact information. An audible
warning signal can be achieved by using the accessory board AIU. It is connected to the 24 VDC
and plugged into the EXU-SA relay output terminal.
• During POWER FAILURE MODE the operator will finish the actual operating cycle and then switch
of the battery supply. The battery powered operator can be reactivated to achieve a new oper-
ating cycle by an impulse on the KEY input.
• The operating mode during battery power can be changed from POWER SAVE to CONVENI-
ENCE,see page 62. During CONVENIENCE MODE the operator will work as normal until the
batteries are discharged. The batteries are rechargeable and will be charged by the control unit
in the operator. New, fully charged batteries can typically open and close a door max. 300 times
in convenience mode. In power save mode the operator can stand-by in up to 1 week, waiting
for KEY impulse.
Nurse and bed functionality
To make it possible to open the master door only in a double door, connect a 0/1 switch to the
slave operator EXU-SI board Kill impulse terminal 7 and 3.
Functions on the extension unit EXU-SA – optional
Also see page 53 for more information.
Presence impulse approach, door mounted
The presence impulse is active during fully open and closing. The sensor is mounted to the approach
side of the door. Once the door is closed, the sensor is ignored and will not be active until the next
impulse is received.
Note! When installed as a pair of doors, the presence impulse signal will re-open both doors. The
sensor is not active in program mode OFF, manually opened door or during battery operation
(Power Failure Mode).
Presence detection swingpath, door mounted
When a sensor that is mounted on the swing side of a door detects an object, it will send a command
to the control unit to stall the door. If the control unit has received a short signal from the sensor
and there is still hold open time left on the control unit, the door will continue on its way open if
the object has cleared.
The inhibit/blanking potentiometer can be adjusted so that the sensor will avoid detecting a wall
or object near the full open position. Presence detection has a higher priority than presence impulse.
Note! When installed as a pair of doors the presence detection signal will stop both doors, except
for double egress doors. The behavior for double egress doors can be changed (see page 62). The
sensor is not active in program mode OFF, manually opened door or during battery operation.
Issue 2014-11-24
5 How the EM SW EMO works