Programming - First steps
72 of 349
Visualisiation assistent
Room defining
Each page can be individually
The Enertex
EibPC can also make with the equipment option NP a visualisation and controlling of
your KNX™-installation. The visualitation is possible with the help of the Internet browers whereupon
the Enertex® Bayern GmbH tested with the Mozilla Firefox.
The webserver in the EibPC is called via the input of the IP in the address line of the browser.
The surface can comfortable be created with the Enertex visualisation assistent.
With only six steps to your own visu:
Step 1 – Open the assistent
Abbildung 28: Aufrufen des Visualisierungsassistenen
Step 2 – Install floors and rooms
Each room gets in the visualisiation an own page.
Abbildung 29: Seiten anlegen
Step 3 – Creat rooms individual
Each room can be parametrised seperate and fast.
You can choose various standard elements like lights and dimmer and jalusie and room controller.
Pretend the number of the desired elements. The preview shows symbolically the developing of the
specified page.
Picture 30: Create pages
HandbuchEibPC_USA-30.odt, 2017-05-11
Bayern GmbH - Erlachstraße 13 - 91301 Forchheim - [email protected]