Device functions Proline Promag 55 FOUNDATION Fieldbus
3 Transducer Block
Simulation -
Value Measurand
Use this parameter to specify a selectable value (e.g. 12 m³/s). This is used
to test the associated parameters in the device itself and downstream
signal loops.
User input:
5-digit floating-point number
Factory setting:
0 [unit]
The unit is taken from the "System Unit - Volume Flow" or "System Unit -
Mass Flow" parameter (
The setting is not saved if the power supply fails.
Simulation - Unit
read only
Use this parameter to display the current unit for the simulation value in
the "Simulation - Measurand Value" parameter.
The unit can be selected in the "System Unit - Volume Flow" or "System
Unit - Mass Flow" parameter (
Page 79).
Service/Analys. -
Measuring Period
read only
This parameter is only used in the event of a service call.
Service/Analys. -
read only
This parameter is only used in the event of a service call.
Service/Analys. -
Electrode Pot. 1
read only
This parameter is only used in the event of a service call.
Service/Analys. -
Electrode Pot. 2
read only
This parameter is only used in the event of a service call.
Sensor - Type
read only
Use this function to view the sensor type.
Sensor -
read only
Use this function to view the software revision number of the software
used to create the content of the S-DAT.
Sensor -
HW Rev.Number.
read only
Use this parameter to view the hardware revision number of the sensor.
Sensor -
HW Identification
read only
Use this parameter to view the hardware ID number of the sensor.
Sensor -
read only
Use this parameter to view the production number of the sensor.
Amp. Device Type
read only
This parameter is only used in the event of a service call.
"Flow" Transducer Block/base index 1400
Write access with
operating mode