Proline Promag 55 PROFIBUS PA
Data storage devices
At Hauser, the term HistoROM refers to various types of data storage modules on which
process and measuring device data are stored. By plugging and unplugging such modules, device
configurations can be duplicated onto other measuring devices to cite just one example.
HistoROM/S-DAT (sensor-DAT)
The S-DAT is an exchangeable data storage device in which all sensor relevant parameters are
stored, i.e., diameter, serial number, calibration factor, zero point.
HistoROM/T-DAT (transmitter-DAT)
The T-DAT is an exchangeable data storage device in which all transmitter parameters and settings
are stored. Storing of specific parameter settings from the device memory (EEPROM) to the T-DAT
module and vice versa must be carried out by the user (= manual save function). Detailed
instructions regarding this can be found on Page 73.