PlasmaQuant 9100 (Elite)
Maintenance and care
Gently shake the nebulizer cleaning tool to remove the methanol from the nebulizer.
Remove the nebulizer from the holder. Shake any remaining methanol from the neb-
ulizer cleaning tool.
Place the nebulizer in the holder once again and quickly move the plunger in and out
three times to also remove the methanol from the nebulizer.
Remove the nebulizer from the holder. Connect the nebulizer to the spray chamber.
Let argon flow through the nebulizer for at least three minutes before using it for the
next analysis.
Cleaning the sample chamber and the plasma compartment
Clean the sample chamber and the plasma compartment daily with a damp (not drip-
ping!) cloth. A commercial surfactant can be used to remove stubborn contamination.
Remove spots, drops or larger reagent spillages and clean them using an absorbent ma-
terial such as cotton wool, laboratory wipes or cellulose.
Checking the gas system for leaks
Check for leaks weekly or before putting the system into operation after disconnection of
the device from the gas supply system. To do this, close the shut-off valve of the gas
supply system and check the pressure on the downstream manometer. If the pressure
drops sharply, search for leaks in the gas supply.
Open the shut-off valve.
Brush connections with a heavily foaming liquid (e.g., soap solution). If foam bubbles
form at the gas connections when starting up, cut off the gas supply.
Check the gas connections for proper fit. Unscrew the oxygen connection and check
the sealing ring. Replace worn-out sealing rings.
Reinsert the hose in the gas connection, ensuring proper fit, and check for leaks
Figure 31Plug-in connectors for gas connections