PlasmaQuant 9100 (Elite)
– When using the HF kit, select the Torch material / ceramics option to adjust the
sensitivity of the optical plasma sensor.
– Optional: In the Worksheet area, select worksheets prepared for the quickstart,
for example for analysis of elemental impurities in pharmaceutical products in ac-
cordance with USP 232/233. The worksheets contain method settings and pre-
pared sequences.
Exit the Qucik start via [OK].
If the system has been shut down for a longer period (more than a day) or the spray
chamber has been dismantled, purge the spray chamber and the torch with carrier
gas to evacuate any air from the sample introduction system:
– Open the Plasma |Control window by clicking
– Click on [Rinse spray chamber] and wait 60 s. After this, ignite the plasma.
Igniting the plasma:
– Open the Plasma |Control window by clicking
, and click on [Ignite plasma].
The plasma will be ignited if the coolant temperature at the coolant inlet is within
the specified range (17 to 24 °C).
The plasma ignites.
Check that the plasma forms correctly, i.e. the plasma extends conically beyond the
induction coil and tapers toward the top.
If a ring plasma (plasma only forms within the induction coil) forms or a rattling
noise is heard: Press the red plasma deactivation switch on the left side of the device.
– Check that the sample hose is inserted in the purging solution and that the gas
supply and recirculating chiller are OK before the next ignition attempt.
The spectrometer is only cooled after successful plasma ignition and stable for-
mation. The ignition process is complete after 1 to 2 min and the hose pump
starts. The emission spectrometer is ready for measurement. Further settings can
now be adjusted for the analysis system.
Switching off the emission spectrometer
Risk of damage to the torch due to high temperatures
After the plasma has been extinguished, wait 3 min. Switch off the device via the
power switch only after this time.
After the end of analysis, pump purging solution through the analysis system for ap-
prox. 3 min followed by deionized water for 1 min.
Allow the device to run dry after this until no more liquid is in the hoses.
If any hoses need to be replaced, they will be drained of acid as a consequence.
To extinguish the plasma by clicking on
in the toolbar.
Alternatively, use
to open the Plasma window and click on [Plasma off].
Select the File |Exit menu item to close the control software.