PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 (Elite)
Function and setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000
The cost of purchasing a one-piece torch is slightly lower. It is cleaned as a whole, mak-
ing disassembly and subsequent assembly unnecessary. On the other hand, this torch
has to be completely replaced when worn.
Figure 4 Demountable torch
Figure 5 One-piece torch
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 includes a special V Shuttle Torch design. The up-right ar-
rangement of the torch reduces clogging and soot formation.
The torch is mounted with the holder (shuttle) onto the rail guide. Doing so automati-
cally connects the internal gas inlets for the plasma and auxiliary gas. The torch is then
moved by hand along the rail guide to the plasma compartment where it locks in the ad-
justed operating position.
Analytik Jena offers sample introduction kits optimized for special applications:
Standard Kit
standard applications: environmental, food,
pharmaceutical samples
PVC-tubing, nebulizer, spray chamber made of
borosilicate glass and torch (injector, 2 mm)
made of quartz glass
HF Kit
fusion samples containing HF:
metal, ceramics, rare earth samples
PVC-tubing, PFA-nebulizer and PTFE-spray
chamber, HF-resistant ceramic torch
Organic Kit
organic samples:
oils, petroleum products as kerosene, organic
PU-tubing, nebulizer and torch (quartz glass, in-
jector, 1mm) for low gas flows, spray chamber
with dip tube to reduce matrix loading
Salt Kit
samples with high salt loads:
brine, caustic and sulphurous solutions, sea wa-
PVC-tubing, nebulizer with self-washing tip,
spray chamber with dip tube to reduce desolva-
tion, torch (quartz glass, injector, 2mm)
The analyte emission in plasma is observed from two directions, axial and radial
(DualView PLUS). The emission radiation is selectively coupled via the transfer optics
from one of the two directions to the monochromator. The working range is increased
by attenuating both directions of observation.
A double monochromator comprising of a prism and an echelle grating is used for spec-
tral analysis. A grating with high blaze angle (76°) achieves the high spectral resolution
of 0.002 nm at 200 nm of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Elite (High-Resolution Optics).
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 has a spectral resolution of 0.006 nm at 200 nm.
Optical system