InnuPure C16
Function and setup
Transferring elution buffer in the work cavity
The elution volume can be adjusted in the range of
20 – 500 µl, depending on the extraction protocol,
and is defined at the start of the protocol.
The correspondingly selected volume is aspirated
from the holding position and transferred to the
magnetic particles in the work cavity.
Warming the elution buffer
Elution and collection of the magnetic particles
The elution process represents the separating of the
nucleic acids from the magnetic particles. This is im-
proved by heating the elution buffer and mixing well
through pipetting on and off.
Changing the work cavity
To be able to transfer the eluates free from magnetic
particles into the elution tubes, the eluate is trans-
ferred once again into a new work cavity. There, the
remaining magnetic particles are finally collected at
the cavity floor.
Transferring the eluate
Eluate transfer
The nucleic acids are now
ed, are transferred
into the elution tube and are available for further
downstream applications.
Filling levels and filling colors are only shown for illustration and do not match the ac-
tual filling levels and colors of the kit reagents.
Isolation and purification of nucleic acids with SmartExtraction kits
SmartExtraction completely changes the process for isolation and purification of nu-
cleic acids by eliminating the need for a number of work steps, extra materials and
specialized equipment. SmartExtraction kits combine the patented extraction chemis-
try (DC technology) by Analytik Jena with an intelligent pipette tip. The uniquely modi-
fied “Smart Modified Surface” inside the 1 mL filter tip selectively binds the desired
nucleic acids, which are then efficiently eluted. In addition to a variety of different
starting materials, SmartExtraction is particularly suited to samples with high starting
volumes or high application quantities. All SmartExtraction Kits use special 1 mL filter
tips and corresponding SmartExtraction protocols in the InnuPure C16