InnuPure C16
Function and setup
Isolation and purification of nucleic acids with magnetic beads kits
Pre-filled reagent structure
Reagent structure
The reagent strips or reagent plates are completely
pre-filled and contain, in addition to the magnetic
particles, all reagents necessary for the extraction
process for the binding, washing and elution of nu-
cleic acids.
After an extraction protocol has started, the In-
nuPure C16
takes the tips provided in the cor-
responding row in the tip block of the sample tray.
External lysis
Internal lysis
Depending on the type of source material, the lysis is
processed either inside the device (internal) or must
be performed manually outside the device (external).
The lysis step for the corresponding source material
is described in detail in the manual for the respective
extraction kit.
Mixing lysate and magnetic particles
Transferring the binding buffer to the sample
Mixing binding buffer and sample
Collecting magnetic particles and transferring the
With the aid of the binding buffer, the nucleic acids
are bound to the magnetic particles (MAG suspen-
Depending on the protocol sequence with external or
internal lysis, the binding of the nucleic acids takes
place in different positions of the reagent structure.
In case of external lysis, the mix of lysed sample and
MAG suspension is first homogenized by pipetting on
and off. The binding buffer is then transferred to the
During the next step, the magnetic unit is moved to
the floor of the work cavity. The magnetic particles
with the bound nucleic acids are held by the mag-
netic field on the floor of the work cavity.
Depending on the selected protocol, the supernatant
binding buffer is transferred by pipetting to the initial
holding position and/or to cavity 2.