Page 17
Series 2000/3000 IDU User’s Manual
Revision P4
Figure 2.1 Typical Configuration of Traffic Queues
Use the Queue Management page to configure traffic queues. Traffic queues are config-
ured in two steps:
1. Define traffic queues (
section 2.4.1)
2.)Apply filter patterns to direct traffic into each queue (
section 2.4.2)
2.4.1 Step 1. Defining Traffic Queues
Traffic queues are defined in a queue table, where each entry in the table corresponds to a
traffic queue.
To view which traffic queues have already been defined, scroll down the Queue Manage-
ment page to the Queue Table Configuration field. To view the properties of a queue
(table entry), click on an entry in the drop-down box and review the fields below the box.
To delete a queue, click on the entry in the drop-down box, then click Delete This Queue
Table Entry.
By default, there is a single queue table entry. To add a new queue table entry, click Cre-
ate a new Queue Table Entry. This takes you to the Menu Result page, which displays
the entry number of the queue you have just created. Next, return to the Queue Manage-
ment page, and be sure to refresh the display to see the new queue table entry just created
(to do this, click the Refresh button in your browser).
Once a queue table entry has been created, you must define properties for the queue. Nor-
mally, a maximum of two queues are defined, and you can define a high priority traffic
queue and a low priority traffic queue. Any traffic in the high priority queue will be trans-
mitted over the return link before traffic in the low priority queue. In other words, traffic in
the low priority queue is transmitted only if the high priority queue is empty at that time.
The parameter "Quality of Service Priority Weight" determines the priority of the queue:
"1" defines a high priority queue, and "0" defines a low priority queue. In the example
above, VoIP traffic (queue 1) is assigned QoS priority weight "1" and all other traffic is
assigned QoS priority weight "0".
If the queues use the same priority weight (both “0” or “1”), than no priority difference
will be made by the IDU and it will send the data in the order in which it receives it.
Voice over IP
Internet traffic
To ODU and
return link