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User Guide
Configurable Alarms allows the user to set threshold values to the device through the GUI. The threshold
values are stored in a non-volatile memory in the SCM Device.
The GUI allows the user to input preferred limits by pressing the Set button on the right side and
immediately the value will be saved in the non-volatile memory.
Once the value in the non-volatile memory is changed from its default value, the firmware will start
evaluating the live parameter periodically and will check if the parameter exceeds the threshold limit.
To prevent abrupt changes in the Alarm Bit Flag, hysteresis is added to the threshold. The current setting
for the hysteresis value is at ±5% of the threshold value. Initially the value of the bit flag is set to 0 upon
startup of the device. The Bit Flag will toggle into its reverse state if the device parameter exceeds the
hysteresis limits.
In the example below, the Internal PSU Temperature Alarm is set to 90 degrees. With 5% hysteresis, or
4.5 degrees, the alarm bit will be set to 1 when the temperature is equal to or greater than 94.5 degrees.
The alarm bit will be set to 0 when the temperature is less than or equal to 85.5 degrees.