Upper null zone
The Upper Null Zone defines how close to the transmitter's reference point a level value is
accepted. You can extend this value to block out disturbing echoes close to the antenna,
for example from the tank nozzle.
Make sure the 20 mA value is below the Upper Null Zone. Measurements are not
performed within the Upper Null Zone (UNZ).
Related information
Bottom offset
The Bottom Offset is defined as the distance between Zero Level and the tank bottom. The
default value is zero.
If the Zero Level is not located at the tank bottom, then enter a Bottom Offset. It is needed
for the transmitter to know the position of the tank bottom.
Figure C-10: Bottom Offset
A. Device Reference Point
B. Reference Height
C. Zero Level
D. Bottom Offset
Negative level
If Bottom Offset is greater than zero, the level value can be negative. This parameter
determines if the shown level value can be negative or zero.
Reference Manual
Configuration parameters
September 2020
Reference Manual