Quantum MP User Guide
Issue Number: A3 www.emersonct.com
List of tables
Model to frame size cross reference ...................6
480V drive ratings ...............................................6
Encoders compatible with Quantum MP .............8
Solutions Module identification .........................11
Keypad identification .........................................12
Additional options .............................................12
External field control .........................................12
Parts supplied with the drive .............................13
Control terminal data ........................................23
Auxiliary and Field terminal data .......................23
Drive power (L1, L2, L3, and GND) terminals ...23
Drive power (A1 and A2) terminals ...................23
Dynamic Braking Resistor (DB+ and DB-)
terminals 24
Suppression Resistor (SR+ and SR-) terminals ...
Drive control, status relay and encoder terminal
data 24
Drive auxiliary and machine armature terminal
data 25
Drive 120 Vac logic terminals ..........................25
Drive power stage terminals .............................25
Three phase AC supply ....................................37
Minimum values of Ladd and inductor current
rating -480V supply 37
Terminal functions ............................................37
One phase line to line supply ............................37
Current ratings ..................................................38
Transformer connections, Size 1 ......................38
Transformer connections, Size 2 ......................38
Typical cable sizes ............................................39
Ferraz Shawmut branch circuit protection fusing
for 480V size 1 drives (Customer supplied) 40
Ferraz Shawmut semiconductor (LINE) fusing for
480V size 1 drives (Included in Quantum MP) 40
Ferraz Shawmut dc protection (ARMATURE)
fusing for 480V size 1 drives (Included in Quantum
MP) 40
Ferraz Shawmut branch circuit protection fusing
for size 2 drives (Customer supplied)) 40
Ferraz Shawmut semiconductor (line) fusing for
480V size 2 drives (Included in Quantum MP) 41
Bussmann semiconductor (line) fusing for 480V
size 2 drives (Included in Quantum MP) 41
Bussmann dc protection (armature) fusing for
480V size 2 drives (Included in Quantum MP). 41
Ferraz Shawmut 120 Vac I/O protection fusing for
480V drives (Included in Quantum MP) 41
Quantum MP frame 1 drive SCR I
t rating for
semiconductor fusing 42
Recommended external suppressor resistors ..42
Minimum allowable external suppression
resistance 43
Quantum MP and EMC filter cross references .44
Size 1 emission compliance summary ..............44
Table 4-22 RJ45 connections .............................................45
Table 4-23
Isolated serial comms lead details ....................45
Table 4-24 The control connections consist of: ..................46
Table 4-25
Control connection recommended cable sizes .47
Table 4-26 Encoder types ...................................................54
Table 5-1
Keypad navigation ............................................57
Advanced menu descriptions ............................60
Menu 40 parameter descriptions ..................... 60
Menu 41 parameter descriptions ..................... 60
Quantum MP and Mentor MP default parameters
User security and parameter access levels ..... 61
Pre-defined sub block parameters ................... 64
Minimum control connection requirements for
each control mode 72
SMARTCARD data blocks ............................... 81
Transferring data .............................................. 81
Rating dependent parameters ......................... 82
Pr 11.38 types and modes ............................... 83
Pr 11.38 actions ............................................... 84
Trip conditions .................................................. 85
SMARTCARD status indications ...................... 86
Table 11-1 Menu descriptions ............................................ 90
Table 11-2 Key to parameter table coding ......................... 90
Table 11-3 Feature look-up table ....................................... 91
Table 11-4
Definition of parameter ranges & variable
maximums 93
Table 11-5 Active reference ............................................. 142
Table 12-1 480V current ratings ....................................... 147
Table 12-2 Drive losses ................................................... 147
Table 12-3
Three phase AC supply ................................. 147
One phase line to line supply ......................... 147
Minimum values of Ladd and inductor current
rating -480V supply 147
IP Rating degrees of protection ..................... 148
Table 12-7 Acoustic noise data ........................................ 148
Table 12-8
Overall drive weights ...................................... 149
Table 12-9 Typical cable sizes, Quantum size 1 .............. 149
Table 12-10 Auxiliary wiring for size 1 drives ..................... 149
Table 12-11 Ferraz Shawmut branch circuit protection fusing
for 480V size 1 drives (Customer supplied) 150
Table 12-12 Cooper Bussmann branch circuit protection fusing
for 480V size 1 drives (Customer supplied) 150
Table 12-13 Ferraz Shawmut semiconductor (LINE) fusing for
480V size 1 drives (Included in Quantum MP) 150
Table 12-14 Cooper Bussmann semiconductor (LINE) fusing
for 480V size 1 drives (Included in Quantum MP)
Table 12-15 Ferraz Shawmut dc protection (ARMATURE)
fusing for 480V size 1 drives (Included in Quantum
MP) 150
Table 12-16 Cooper Bussmann dc protection (ARMATURE)
fusing for 480V size 1 drives (Included in Quantum
MP) 151
Table 12-17 Ferraz Shawmut branch circuit protection fusing
for size 2 drives (Customer supplied) 151
Table 12-18 Copper Bussmann branch circuit protection fusing
for size 2 drives (Customer supplied) 151
Table 12-19 Ferraz Shawmut semiconductor (line) fusing for
480V size 2 drives (Included in Quantum MP) 151
Table 12-20 Bussmann semiconductor (line) fusing for 480V
size 2 drives (Included in Quantum MP) 152
Table 12-21 Bussmann dc protection (armature) fusing for
480V size 2 drives (Included in Quantum MP).
Table 12-22 Ferraz Shawmut 120 Vac I/O protection fusing for