E Three-point calibration
Use ProLink III to run a three-point calibration.
For general applications like specific gravity, molecular weight, relative density, or energy content, the two-
point calibration is the standard procedure to achieve the specified performance.
For specialty applications like purity determination or H2 blending, the three-point calibration is
recommended to maintain the required resolution and linearity.
A three-point calibration produces three calibration factors: K0, K1, and K2.
SGM calibration is required to generate calibration coefficients for your process gas. These coefficients are
required for accurate measurement.
Complete the purge procedure. The reference chamber must be filled with the reference gas to the
appropriate pressure.
Know whether you want the device to operate as a specific gravity meter, a molecular weight meter, or a
relative density meter.
Identify all required calibration gases and know their specific gravity, molecular weight, or relative density.
Prepare to flow all calibration gases through the device at the appropriate sample pressure. In a typical
application, the sample pressure should be approximately 15% to 25% greater than the reference chamber
Use the following diagram as a reference.
Configuration and Use Manual
Three-point calibration
March 2021
Configuration and Use Manual