PED - OPErating anD SafEty inStructiOnS
HigH Performance Butterfly ValVes (model Winn Hiseal)
© 2017 Emerson. all rights reserved.
When valves are to be stored for some time
before being fitted, storage should be in
the original delivery crates with any waterproof
lining and/or desiccant remaining in place.
Storage should be off the ground in a clean, dry,
indoor area. if storage is for a period exceeding
six months the desiccant bags (if supplied)
should be changed at this interval.
Valves are delivered with protection according to
customer’s specification, or in accordance with
the Quality assurance Manual, to protect the
valve seats and closure member from damage.
Wrapping and/or covers should be left in place
until immediately before fitting to the pipe.
Ensure the valve’s materials of construction
and pressure/temperature limits shown on
the identification plate are suitable for the
process fluid and conditions. if in doubt contact
the manufacturer.
For safety reasons, it is important to take
the following precautions before you start work on
the valve:
1. Personnel making any adjustments to the
valves should utilize equipment and clothing
normally used to work with the process where
the valve is installed.
2. The line must be depressurized, drained and
vented before installing the valve.
3. Handling and Installation of all valves,
operators and actuators must be carried
out by personnel trained in all aspects of
installation and manual/mechanical handling
4. Ensure the valve pressure/temperature
limitations marked on the identification label
are above or equal to service conditions.
Before installation these instructions must be fully read and understood
1. On-off valves are bi-directional as standard,
unless otherwise stated, and may be fitted
in either direction.
2. installation may be carried out with stem
displaced through any angle permitted by
the bolting.
3. Spread the flanges to fit the valve easily
(do not use the valve as a crow bar).
4. remove protective covers from valve faces.
5. Ensure that mating flanges and gaskets are
clean and undamaged.
6. Should there be any possibility of abrasive
particles (weld slag, sand etc.) within the
piping system, this could damage valve
seating areas. the system will need to be
flushed clean.
7. Ensure mating pipe flanges are aligned
correctly, bolting should be easily inserted
through mating flange holes.
8. fit the valve into pipework ensuring easy
access of the lever/handwheel.
9. tighten the flange bolts in a diagonal
cE Mark in accordance with P.E.D. requirements
Valve identification
code (Vic)
Valve model/size
Works order
aSME/anSi B16.34
Vcosi-01734-en 18/01