Instruction Manual
EW Valve
July 2017
Assemble the piston ring, anti‐extrusion rings, backup ring, and retainer.
For all constructions
, place the gaskets (keys 12, 11 or 14 if used, and 10) and the shim, if used (key 53), on top of
the cage or cage retainer. If there is a cage adaptor (key 4) or a bonnet spacer (key 32), set it on the cage or cage
retainer gaskets and place another flat sheet gasket (key 10) on top of the adapter or spacer. If there is only a cage
retainer or bonnet spacer, place another flat sheet gasket on the retainer or spacer.
7. With an NPS 10x8 or 12x8 valve, install the load ring (key 26).
8. Mount the bonnet on the valve, and complete assembly according to steps 11 through 15 of the Replacing Packing
section. Be sure to observe the note prior to step 11.
Retrofit: Installing C‐seal Trim
Additional actuator thrust is required for a valve with C‐seal trim. When installing C‐seal trim in an existing valve, contact your
or Local Business Partner for assistance in determining new actuator thrust requirements.
Assemble the new valve plug/retainer assembly (with C‐seal plug seal) using the following instructions:
To avoid leakage when the valve is returned to service, use appropriate methods and materials to protect all sealing
surfaces of the new trim parts while assembling the individual parts and during installation in the valve body.
1. Apply a suitable high‐temperature lubricant to the inside diameter of the C‐seal plug seal. Also, lubricate the
outside diameter of the valve plug where the C‐seal plug seal must be pressed into the proper sealing position
(figure 9).
2. Orient the C‐seal plug seal for correct sealing action based on the process fluid flow direction through the valve.
An installation tool must be used to properly position the C‐seal plug seal on the valve plug. A tool is available as a spare part from
Emerson or a tool could be manufactured following the dimensions given in figure 10.
3. Place the C‐seal plug seal over the top of the valve plug and press the C‐seal plug seal onto the plug using the C‐seal
installation tool. Carefully press the C‐seal plug seal onto the plug until the installation tool contacts the horizontal
reference surface of the valve plug (figure 11).
4. Apply a suitable high‐temperature lubricant to the threads on the plug. Then, place the C‐seal retainer onto the
plug and tighten the retainer using an appropriate tool such as a strap wrench.
secure the C‐seal retainer.