Initial start-up
Oil dilution! Bearing malfunction!
It is important to ensure that new
compressors are not subjected to liquid abuse. Turn the crankcase heater on
12 hours before starting the compressor.
High discharge pressure operation! Compressor damage!
Do not use
compressor to test opening set point of high-pressure cut-out.
The compressor must be equipped according to our technical documentation considering the
application intended. Make sure of this before start-up.
For brazing connections where dissimilar or ferric metals are joined a silver alloy rod with a
minimum of 30% silver shall be used being either flux-coated or with a separate flux.
Bolt torque settings are listed in
Appendix 2
With the exception of rubber coated metallic gaskets (Wolverine) all gaskets should be oiled
before fitting. O-rings should also be oiled.
A compressor should never be operated beyond its approved application range!
Check by consulting the appropriate data sheet. To avoid motor damage the compressor
must neither be started, nor may high-potential testing be carried out under vacuum.
Minimum run time
Emerson Climate Technologies recommends a maximum of 10 starts per hour. The most critical
consideration is the minimum run time required to return oil to the compressor after start-up.
Recommended inverter range
Copeland compressors are released for operation with frequency variation from 25 Hz to 60 Hz.
Emerson Climate Technologies recommends the use of Control Techniques brand inverters with
Copeland standard and Discus compressors.
For further information on operation with inverter, and for a Control Techniques
inverter cross reference list, see Technical Information D7.9.2
“Use of Inverters with DWM
” available at