Functional Description
ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M67H)
4.10.3 Storage Hard Disk Drive
The ATCA-F140 provides a SATA connector and mounting features to install a 2.5" SATA hard
disk drive on the board. This HDD can be used to store system management data,
configuration data, and boot images for the service processor or the PrAMC.
The HDD can be accessed by either the service processor or the PrAMC processor depending
on the state of the onboard SATA mux. The mux is controlled by an output of the IPMC which
sets the selection bit during E-keying initialization. By default, the mux is configured to
connect the SATA drive to the service processor.
4.11 Telecom Clocking
The ATCA-F140 supports an optional telecom clocking subsystem that is responsible for the
generation and distribution of traceable telecom clocks for use throughout the local shelf and
up to five connected extension shelves.
T0 and T4 PLLs for the generation of T[0] system clocks and a T[4] SSU clock
Dual T1/E1 ports to allow reception of redundant T[3] BITS/SSU clocks
Generation of a traceable clock
Figure 4-5
Fabric Channel Cross-Connect