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Main Menu
When a key is pressed while viewing the introductory revision screen, the main menu will appear
on the terminal screen.
Figure 49
Main Menu
From the main menu, the user may work directly with a drive or with a disk file. By selecting
On-line Operations COM1 or COM2, PCX will automatically attempt serial communications
with the drive. By selecting Disk File Operations, the user may setup a data file for a single axis
without being hooked to the unit. Necessary values can be saved to a floppy disk for download
at a latter time. The serial communications option may be used to manually establish
communications with the drive. This option may be helpful at start-up time if communications
are not established with the On-line Operations.
On-line Operations
When serial communications have been established with the drive, the On-line Operations menu
will be presented on the screen.
Figure 50
On-line Operations
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