System component description
System component description
This section describes the VNXe3150 platform components. These details include
illustrations and descriptions of the front and rear connectors and the LED indicators.
Note: In the following sections, the illustrations and corresponding tables describe these
individual components. These descriptions are for illustrative purposes only.
Disk processor enclosure
As previously described, the VNXe3150 platform consists of a 2U disk processor
enclosure (DPE). Up to seven 2U, 12 (3.5-inch) disk drive DAEs with a maximum of 100
disk drives
in a dual SP configuration.
When calculating the number of drives for your VNXe3150 platform, the DPE in a dual SP
configuration is included in the total drive slot quantity of from 96 to 100 drives. If the
total drive slot quantity exceeds from 96 to 100, you will not be able to add another DAE.
In a single SP configuration, the total drive slot quantity of from 48 to 50 drives is
possible. If the total drive slot quantity exceeds from 48 to 50, you will not be able to add
another DAE. The
section on
provides more information
about the available DAEs for the VNXe3150 platform as well as a configuration table.
Each VNXe3150 DPE consists of the following components:
Drive carrier
Disk drives
Storage processor (SP)
Power supply module
Cache Protection Module (single SP configuration only)
EMI shielding
Drive carrier
Disk drive carriers are plastic assemblies that provide smooth, reliable contact with the
enclosure slot guides and midplane connectors. Each carrier has a handle with a latch and
spring clips. The latch holds the disk drive in place to ensure proper connection with the
midplane. The
section on
shows the disk drive ready LEDs that are
integrated into the chassis that the carrier is in. These LEDs primarily show the disk drive
readiness as well as activity.
2. In a single SP configuration, the VNXe3150 platform can support up to two DAEs or a maximum of
50 disk drives.