1. 1. Manual introduction
1.1 Important message from
Electric Motion
Congratulation and thank you for purchasing
Electric Motion
electric motorcycle. We welcome you in our family devoted to
Electrical production on national grids becoming more and more
clean and renewable, we are proud to provide you with an
alternative to internal combustion engines and therefore allowing
you to take part in solving the serious challenges we all face with air
pollution and global warming.
The use of this electric motorcycle requires you to respect some
recommendations and precautions in order to enjoy all the
advantage that can offer this new clean alternative.
It is therefore imperative to read this manual which contains all the
necessary information for preparing for the motorcycle first use, on
how to operate it, on how to maintain the motorcycle and on what
checks need to be carried. Furthermore, this manual contains all the
information to prevent yourself and third parties from risks and
accidents linked to the use of an electric motorcycle.
Because the
Electric Motion
team is continuously improving their
products, it is possible that some information contained in this
manual might change due to updates. If you have any doubt, do not
hesitate to check our website
www.electric-motion.fr and download
the latest version of the manual. Thus, no juridical claim can be
carried out based on the information contained in this manual.
The content of this manual will allow you to maintain your bike in
perfect working order in the most secure way possible.