Adjustment and Calibration of the BioProTT
Clamp-On SL
In order to ensure the highest possible accuracy, all BioProTT
Clamp-On SLs are pre-adjusted according to
customer specifications in regard to the relevant paramters prior to shipment.
If any of these parameters change, it is possible to send the sensors in for a re-adjustment. In addition,
em-tec GmbH recommends regular calibrations to be carried out. Ideally, the time between re-calibrations
should not exceed 24 months. Other than the adjustment, the calibration can be carried out by the customer
on site. For more information regarding this process, please
and ask for our TechNote
It is, of course, also possible to send the sensor to us so we can carry out the calibation.
BioProTT™ Clamp-On SL
Copyright em-tec GmbH
Page 17
D162-704 BioProTT™ Clamp-On SL – User Manual– V4.0
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